“How I Went From Disillusioned and Burned Out, to Helping Thousands of Entrepreneurs Build a Life and Business They Truly Love”
It seems like an eternity away since I was clambering over roof trusses as I helped build yet another house for yet another customer. After twenty years of being ‘self-employed’, it suddenly struck me that this was still ’employed’ and that I was trapped in this life I had created.
Constantly chasing the next ££’s, eager to please the customer and thinking that perhaps this was as good as life would ever get, as I drove home exhausted yet again.

Seminars, High-Five Gurus and a Thousand Late Nights
Entrepreneurship was a complete culture shock for me; I was totally unprepared… but eager to learn.
I knew my old construction job inside out, could do most of it on auto pilot, and was in high demand… in fact for the last five years I never advertised and was still getting too much work to handle… but I was burning out fast!
So I knew I had to make the switch into ‘entrepreneurship’….but I was scared to leave my safe ‘job’ and jump ship!
When I finally did ‘take the leap’ (of faith) I became instantly overwhelmed with the endless Guru’s all offering conflicting advice, and I suffered a bad attack of shiny-object syndrome! I tried just about every investing strategy out there… and got nowhere fast… and that made everything feel a million times harder than it should have! I slowly began to realise…
It would take an eternity to get to where I wanted to be!
Those First Few Years Were Frustrating
I drew some equity from my own house and started investing in single let properties, all the time doing some building work to supplement my income.
It was slow and exhausting and I was working harder than ever, but I convinced myself that I was building for the future, so I kept going.
There was very little spare money, no free time, I was plagued by self-doubt and I began to wonder if I would let my family down even more than I felt I already had.
I seriously thought about going back to the day job, but saw that other people were making a success of property investing… so I kept on going.
When we finally got out of the red, it dawned on me that it was going to take an absolute eternity to generate enough monthly cashflow to create a really great lifestyle, and take care of my family in the way I wanted to.
I was building the wrong type of business!
This led to a few sleepless nights. I had paid money for some property training, had worked hard and thought I would soon reach my magical financial freedom figure. But as reality sunk in, it seemed as elusive as ever, and I was feeling ever more burnt out and frustrated.
It was time to start working smart instead of hard!
We had an Idea to Try This ‘Guaranteed Rent’ Thing!
My daughter Emily had just got a BA Architecture and Planning but decided the 40-year slog in the corporate world wasn’t for her. She took various jobs in an attempt to pay off some debts but hated every day. Like me she felt ‘stuck’. After realising that property is one of the few industries that can create real wealth, she began reading and learning and was financially independent at 27, with a much more flexible lifestyle.
How did this happen?
Emily stumbled across something called ‘Guaranteed Rent’ and thought it might help us to create a solid cashflow that would land in our bank account each and every month.
So we tried it (to be perfectly honest, it was more in desperation than anything else!) and between us we agree that we needed to set a target of £5,000 NET cashflow per month to be financially independent. What happened?
- We rapidly secured ten Rent 2 Rent properties both via agents and direct to landlords
- We could have got more but we REALLY needed to systemise what we had
- £5,000 NET was now landing in our bank accounts like clockwork each and every month
- We were very careful not to create another J.O.B. to replace the old one
- People started asking if we could help them recreate what we had done…
So We Went to Work to Create the BEST Rent 2 Rent Training Programme on the Planet!
We’ve now had the privilege of helping thousands of people create Rent 2 Rent businesses of their own, replace their income and escape the nine-to-five drudgery.
And best of all… we taught them how to shave years of their entrepreneurial journey, and get their businesses up and running and highly profitable in record time. We took the long road so that they could take the short-cut.
We Made Sure Our ‘Multi-Let Cashflow System’ Was an Easy-to-Follow Step-by-Step S.Y.S.T.E.M.
Not just any old step by step system…
Our S.Y.S.T.E.M. = Saves You Stress, Time, Energy and Money
We drill down into the nitty-gritty details, leave no question unanswered and make sure that everyone leaves the training room with an absolute 100% Clarity; this then creates an unwavering Confidence, which in turn creates Momentum and leads to absolute Success.
In fact our mantra became; Clarity, Confidence and Momentum. We wanted people to quickly build the most amazing businesses and not get caught up with any confusing tech or crippling overwhelm.
We’ve taught our community to do it BETTER and FASTER than we at first did!

We’re Able to do This, Because We Have Always Walked the Walk
We teach what we’ve personally done to build a completely time-leveraged business, that doesn’t rely on 80 hour work weeks, doesn’t need expensive offices or big teams of people just to keep afloat. Our property manager Will eventually became a partner in the business, and we employed a new apprentice property manager.
If you like what you’re reading and want to get started straight away, we have three options for you. Some are paid for and some are free. Start by connecting, exploring our manuals or diving straight into our specifically created training event. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED
Are You Ready to Get Really Clear on Exactly What You Need to do to Build a Profitable Business That You Truly Love?
You ‘could’ take the long route and work 40+ hours a week, for 40+ years, hoping that your boss or the Government will take care of you (good luck with that one!) and you’ll probably crash and burnout in the process. Or you could join our community of successful entrepreneurs whose mantra is to ‘Work Smart, Not Hard’.
We’re guessing that you want to escape the daily grind of the 9-5 (Rent 2 Rent is definitely your #1 escape plan) or maybe you want to double or triple your current cashflow.
We know you’re ready to do the work.
That’s why you’re here.
Next you need to invest some REAL hours and just a little bit of money, getting the BEST training, the BEST educational information and the BEST support to ENSURE this whole business venture will pay off.
By reading this far, you’re proved that you want change, want a better life and a better income, and now you probably just want to make absolutely SURE that you’re choosing the RIGHT mentor for the RIGHT time in your life.
Plus you want to feel certain that every bit of effort you invest will pay you back x100.
Well, we can assure you that you are absolutely in the right place!
Are You Ready to Step Up and Experience a Massive Difference in Your Life and Your Business?
Start by connecting with us via our public ‘Inside Rent 2 Rent’ group, accessing a few of our freebies and see how you like our community, our style and our support.
Click on any of the images below to join the mega supportive Inside Rent 2 Rent Facebook group. You’ll find the Free downloads in the Files section.

About Francis
Lives in Somerset, has authored four books and co-authored seven extensive property manuals. Has trained thousands of people to be Rent 2 Rent ninja’s.
Used to work in construction with at one time 17 employees. Owns single and multi-lets as well as controlling a large Rent 2 Rent portfolio in Bristol. Played football all over the eastern bloc, loves Game of Thrones and a good movie. Enjoys running 10k assault courses with friends. Can often be found playing New Orleans or Chicago blues and singing at full volume.

About Will
Graduated from Plymouth University with a BA in International Business and also lives in Bristol. Has a passion for working with people and joined the MLCS team in 2013. Will recently bought a house and became a doting dad. Has a big social circle, a busy social life and regularly plays badminton. Has made it his mission to get everyone up to speed with the amazing ENGINE ROOM multi-let manager software.