Imagine for a second how it would feel to have £5,000 landing in your bank account like clockwork on the first day of every month … and then £10,000 … and then £20,000. Of course you’d no longer have to set that alarm clock, and as you are now your own boss, you’d have the freedom to be able to spend more time with your loved ones.
We’re sure this would fill you with a great sense of great achievement, as it has done for us, and literally thousands of people in our MLCS community. But where do you start? We’ll tell you!
First you seek out property owners who, for one reason or another, are struggling. You contact them either directly or via letting agents, and offer to take away all their problems, which includes promising them a guaranteed rent. The owners are very happy that they will never again need to worry about late or lost rent, and never be bothered with any tenant issues.
You also promise to look after the property and take care of the smaller maintenance jobs yourself, plus you may carry out a small refurbishment, maybe with the landlord’s financial help. Next you rent the rooms to high calibre working young professionals. You make your profit on the difference between the rent you pay to the owner and the rent you get paid by your tenants, minus the running costs.
But of course it’s all about the details, and when we first tried it we hit a brick wall with the agents who threw objection after objection at us. We struggled for months to even get them to listen to us and burnt a few bridges along the way! But in time they saw us as their best friends.

The benefit of owning a Multi-Let property and renting it out room by the room rather than as a ‘single-let’ is the vastly increased income.
The drawbacks are the higher purchase prices, the need for a MASSIVE deposit and the £10’s of thousands of pounds needed to bring the property up to the regulated licensing requirements. Some people also consider Multi-Lets to be more management intensive. Wouldn’t it be great if you could achieve the high cashflow, while at the same time reduce the high purchase costs, and minimise the management requirements?
This is exactly what our ‘Multi-Let Cashflow System’ does. Although MLCS is relatively new, the strategy upon which it is modelled is not.
Corporate letting is when a company rents out a property and then sub-lets it to their key employees. This has been happening for many years in the corporate world, and is an effective solution for companies who don’t wish to buy properties to house their employees. Buying multiple properties would be just too complicated and inflexible for most companies, whereas renting a property from a private landlord on an ad-hock basis, is much more flexible.
The Multi-Let Cashflow System took this concept into the private arena where we utilised the same strategy, albeit not for our own employees. We rent the properties as a normal tenant would, and if needed we do a light refurb to bring the property up to standard. Then all we have to do is pay the agreed rent to the Landlord every month. We are a hybrid; a cross between a tenant and an agent. In a way you could describe us as ‘special-agents’!
So why would a landlord rent their valuable property to us, when they could be making all that extra money themselves? You are of course smart to be asking that question, so let’s analyse that for a moment. Every Landlord gets into property to make more money, they want…

Some of these Landlords may be ‘accidental’ and never intended to be a renting out their house, the property crash and economy may have prevented them from selling and it may be the only way to enable them to move on. If you don’t know what you’re doing, being a Landlord, even with just one or two properties, can be a big headache – Accidentals Landlords have a problem: you solve it.
For some landlords, managing the tenants gobbles up all their time. Well, we can tell you that if you set up the correct systems from day one, this won’t be the case. These days we very rarely visit the properties and we can teach you how to set your systems up the same as we have.
Or perhaps they’ve already tried Multi-Letting and hated it; they tried to self manage, they got too involved, they didn’t vet the tenants properly, they put the wrong types of tenants together, in the wrong location, and to the wrong living standard. They might live out of the area and have had bad a experience with High Street agents? Your opportunity is finding the solution to their pain; you get all the benefits of Multi-Let’s (massive cashflow), but with vastly reduced input and set up costs.
If you follow the ‘Multi-Let Cashflow System’, this innovative strategy doesn’t need a mortgage or large deposits, there’s no high refurbishment outlay and no planning permission. You’ll be taking over established Multi-Let’s, and like us, you’ll be making £1,000+ pcm on each property!
How MLCS Can Help You
If you really want to make a difference to your and your family’s financial future, then the Multi-Let Cashflow System can help you.
We are the UK’s #1 Rent 2 Rent Training Company, and are by far the leaders in Rent 2 Rent education. We’ve been focusing entirely on Rent 2 Rent for a number of years, and totally understand the business inside out. We’ve helped literally thousands of people on the road to financial independence; from experienced property investors with large portfolios wanting to generate more cashflow, to complete beginners with zero properties and zero experience.
On our testimonial page you will find many life changing stories of people just like you, who have built a very profitable business from a standing start, often without using any of their own money.
If you would like us to help you take that first step on your Rent 2 Rent journey, book a call on the pop up box on the website. Do it today before life gets in the way.